Russia was the target audience for this campaign, as it primarily focuses on the struggle with parking and congestion with their large cars, so the advertisement was distributed around Moscow, Russia. This way, BBDO would be targeting directly the area where most people would benefit from seeing the advertisement. Looking at the Russian BBDO website ( it shows that the whole campaign was a multi-platform media based campaign. By using a video and two print-based ads, this made up the main bulk of the campaign. However, BBDO further spread awareness through advertising across various multi-media platforms such as Facebook, where the test drivers wrote about their experiences driving a Smart car. The print advertisements would have been given to the consumer once they've test driven the car, so they can look at the reasoning behind the campaign.
The campaign was primarily focusing on Moscow and it's traffic jams, congestion problems and parking issues, however since it is a media based campaign it's actually an international campaign, because it will be shared worldwide across all media. These issues are also present in cities such a London, so this campaign will also be appropriate for large congested cities outside of Moscow.
This is the video advertisement for the campaign.

This is the print-based advertisement that would have been used on billboards and in magazines in order to promote the campaign.

This is the print-based advertisement that would have been handed out to the Smart car test drivers and other members of the public to inform them about the reasoning behind the campaign and to educate potential buyers about the issues surrounding Moscow's parking and congestion problems. - This link shows how the campaign's awareness has been spread online, by 'sharing' and talking about the campaign. - This is a news article on the campaign, which is a form of advertising as the word is being spread about Mercedes' campaign, and the added benefit of being mentioned on 'The Drum' is that it is the UK's largest marketing website.
Although there no solid evidence, it is most likely that Mercedes Smart advertised their campaign by putting up the main print advertisement on Billboards in Moscow, Russia, and this is known as outdoor advertising. The average price of advertising on a billboard is around 3500 GBP, which is the equivalent of 333465.71 Russian Rouble (RUB).
2) Can you find what cross media presence your campaign has had? How was social media and other platforms used to create community of develop the product/campaigns reach?
The video ad for the Smart campaign was put onto YouTube (video is above) so it could be viewed worldwide. The video campaign so far has 15,000 views. It was also advertised across multi-media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, where people talked about the campaign and spread awareness through word of mouth/sharing/liking comments and so on.

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