Monday, 2 February 2015

Advertising Plan/Research and Development

A proposal identifying the product being advertised
We are going to be advertising Nana Mexico as a brand, to increase brand awareness around the local Cambridge area. Our aim is to increase passing trade and footfall for the two restaurant locations, Regent Street and Petty Cury, so that in turn will increase the revenue for Nana Mexico as a result of the increase in customer numbers.

Aims, Objectives, Target Audience
The objective of our campaign is to attract the attention of passers-by to therefore increase the brand awareness and get the attention of new potential customers whilst maintaining Nana Mexico's loyal customers too. The target audience are customers that are local, and visitors to Cambridge. Cambridge has over five million visitors a year, and Nana Mexico want to be the fast food restaurant that visitors stop and eat at when they have a break.

Campaign Message
Myself and Katie are going to design leaflets advertising Nana Mexico, and to increase publicity more drastically than just handing out the leaflets, we are going to hire a taco suit so somebody can wear it and distribute the leaflets. This will get the attention of passers-by and by the 'taco man' engaging with the potential customers, he will build a larger loyal customer base by generating more footfall for the restaurant.

Campaign schedule (including launch dates, consideration of seasonal and calendar events, location and scheduling of advertisements)
We do not have a set date to launch the campaign, however we have established that the best time would be lunchtimes during the week. This is because Cambridge will still be very busy and Luis does not need any more customers during the hectic weekends. We want to create a multi-platform campaign and increase social media awareness, so we are going to offer that chance for customers to get a picture with the taco and to post it with the hashtag #nanataco or #nanamexicotaco or something similar to make customers aware of the restaurants' online presence. The taco character will stand outside/nearby the Petty Cury restaurant as this is the busier area of the two restaurants.

Video Element
If we were to make a video element to link with this campaign then it would be an attempt of a viral video on YouTube of the man in the taco suit. It would be a short video so that the customers wouldn't lose interest, and would contain different shots of the taco suit-ed man talking to customers/local people/tourists in the area, handing out leaflets, dancing to music (that will be edited in afterwards) and advertising Nanna Mexico

The relevant legal and ethical issues
Non-broadcast advertisements, direct marketing and sales promotion materials are regulated by the CAP, the Committee of Advertising Practise. Leaflets (what we will be producing) fall under this category and must work with the compliance regulations of non-broadcast advertisements. The principle of this regulation is: The advertisement should be legal, decent, honest and truthful. All marketing communications should be prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and society and should reflect the spirit, not merely the letter, of the Code.

Rules regarding compliance of the CAP Non-Broadcast Advertising Standards
1.1 Marketing communications should be legal, decent, honest and truthful
1.2 Marketing communications must reflect the spirit, not merely the letter, of the Code
1.3 Marketing communications must be prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and to society
1.4 Marketers must comply with all general rules with relevant sector-specific rules
1.5 No marketing communication should bring advertising into disrepute
1.6 Marketing communications must respect the principles of fair competition and generally accepted in business
1.7 Any unreasonable delay in responding to the ASA's enquiries will normally be considered a breach of the Code
1.7.1 The full name and geographical business address of the marketer must be given to the ASA or CAP without delay if requested
1.8 Marketing communications must comply with the Code. Primary responsibility for observing the Code fall on marketers. Others involved in preparing or publishing marketing communications, such as agencies, publishers and other service suppliers, also accept an obligation to abide by the Code
1.8.1 Rules in Appendix 3 apply only to third parties as defined. If the ASA is unable to identify the relevant third party, the advertiser - on behalf of whom the OBA advertisement is delivered to web users - must, in good faith, co-operate with the ASA to help determine the identity of the third party
1.9 Marketers should deal fairly with consumers

1.10 Marketers have primary responsibility for ensuring that their marketing communications are legal. Marketing communications should comply with the law and should not incite anyone to break it
1.10.1 Marketers must not state or imply that a product can legally be sold if it cannot.

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